Hello There, I'm Ronan

I'm a versatile, experienced Web Developer, Web Product owner and CTO at The Next Web, with 12 years professional experience crafting websites and applications, predominantly rooted in front-end engineering, but not shy of working with back-end languages, technologies and configurations.

About Me

Branding is the foundation of your business. A fantastic digital experience relies on the brand resonating perfectly with your target audience. We help businesses assert their position in their industry by providing a brand identity that's solid and memorable.

What I do

I made my first website in 2008(!) and was hooked from the moment I hit save. Since then I have gained experience across an array of award-winning and globally recognised tech, media, events and advertising companies.
These days, I build on top of the amazing Craft CMS and WordPress platforms, or with super-cutting edge stuff like React and my current favourite, Next.js.

I'm highly proficient with HTML, JavaScript, PHP and specialise in developing (and scaling) CMS sites and applications (some of whom serve millions of users per month). Among my weapons of choice are Craft CMS, WordPress, Laravel, React, Vue, SCSS and Tailwind CSS.



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Isabel Vaz was born in Lisbon, Portugal, and started playing the cello by the age of seven. Isabel lived and studied in Lisbon until 2007, the year she moved to The Netherlands. She completed her bachelor and masters degrees at the Conservatory of Amsterdam with Dmitry Ferschtman. During her studies she did two exchange semesters, one in Prague (HAMU) and the other one in New York (Manhattan School of Music).

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Watch a selection of my recorded performances.

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Quisque ac leo eget ante fermentum tempus. Phasellus malesuada, mi eu sagittis euismod, est leo scelerisque magna, a euismod sapien nisl vitae sapien.

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